Kamennoostrovsky theater

Kamennoostrovsky theater Kamenoostrovsky theater originally was only years actors out of the back of the wall opening to the nearby garden.
Theatre, it was decided to open in late 1826, when the Grand Theatre went to rekonstruktsiyu.Tak it was located between the two park areas, and Yelagin Kamenoostrovsky, then there was no lack of vegetation, and it provided high sales. The building was erected in just 40 days, and his prime minister came to the Emperor Nicholas I. But because of the proximity of groundwater and frequent floods Theater Snack come into disrepair, so in 1844 it was rebuilt, but on a stone foundation. Despite the fact that the theater is a monument of federal importance, he changed a lot of owners, and in 2005 was transferred to the Office of the Tovstonogov BDT. Kamenoostrovsky second-preserved wooden houses in Russia.
