The best films of German cinema you can see from 4 to 7 December in our city!
Early December, ladies and gentlemen, in St. Petersburg will be hot. Well, still would be a 4 to 7 December in St. Petersburg will host a festival of German cinema (films that will be screened at the festival, designed for a wide audience, not so hot to be in St. Petersburg).
All this remarkable action will take place in the the city center – in the cinema “Aurora”, where viewers will see the best pictures of the German cinema. These paintings are devoted for the most part in Germany, its history, problems, development, and the present life, the like of which it sees the Germans themselves. In general, it will be interesting, definitely worth a go. Oh yeah, all this is applied and the “cherry” on top – all the films shown at this festival, in cinemas in Russia never went out, so that viewing is going to be doubly interesting. Most of the sessions will be held in the evening, and if you suddenly overworked abundance and grandeur of German cinema – welcome to our mini-hotels SuperHostel, which we have 12, and 9 of them are in the city center.