Comedians Drama Theatre

Comedians Drama Theatre The history of the theater dates back to the late ’80s, when the center of the Leninsky district youth appeared not numerous troupe of free actors
first performance of the young actor’s team was destined to become a classic of Italian comedy drama of Eduardo De Filippo -. “Incantesimo”. The performance consisted of 3 small pieces, played out in front of the spectators wandering comedians. Skill young artists immediately won the love of the audience. Thus on 25 December 1989 in St. Petersburg, a new drama theater – “The Comedians”. Performance “Incantesimo” became the hallmark of the troupe and with success comes now.
First theater I have different sites of the city and the region, and then in 1993, the artists did not get a room in the building known as “the house Pertsov” on Ligovsky Avenue. The chamber theater to the fore acting personality, art experiences, you can not tell a lie, or “too far.” Any product, whether it is classic -. The basis of the repertoire, or contemporary plays sounds in a special sincerely
Theatre gladly goes to new experiments. So in 2009 the premiere of the play “A Walk in the Liu-Bleu” based on the play of the young playwright K. Rubin. The performance was held in the form of an open rehearsal. The purpose of the experiment – to give the viewer to participate in the process of creating the performance. There are in the repertoire of musical performances, and in November 2010 was successfully held the premiere of plastic drama “Mumu” by Turgenev, presented a succession of plastic sketches. Background music director chose creation Russian folklore, theater artists who performed.
In the morning, the theater invites to her children of St. Petersburg and the region for events.
«Comedians” often tours in Russia and the world, as the winners of the prestigious Russian and international theater festivals.
currently in the repertoire of the theater has 20 performances on the creations of national and world drama, representing a wide variety of genres and aesthetic orientation, for viewers of all ages. The chamber “Comedians” theater hall, a hundred people, so, creates a homely and cozy atmosphere and the audience in the theater feel special emotional impact creative atmosphere of belonging to the doers of the scene.
