House Suvorina

House Suvorina Suvorina Petersburg dubbed King Lear for the dark secrets surrounding his life.
Born into a poor peasant family, he achieved outstanding success, becoming a journalist, publisher, playwright, theater director and critic. Wide publicity was the murder of his wife, AI Baranova, her lover who committed suicide later and first re-marriage Suvorina.
Seven pursued tragedy – illness, escapes and suicides of children, jealousy and envy of the eldest son to his father-in-law’s death.
At this time happened to vsteche Suvorina Chekhov. Chekhov often and stayed a long time in the family Suvorin, he was aware of the many secrets and used them in his works.
Way Chekhov and Suvorin went because of the last anti-Semitism, which he promoted in his newspaper “New Era”.
