Grand Choral Synagogue

Grand Choral Synagogue Great Choral Synagogue, the spiritual center of Petersburg, multi-religious Jews.
Built in the late 19th century on the orders of Alexander II, as a gesture of liberalization and the easing of restrictions for Jews, to the same, high level of education of the past could quickly occupy high positions in the machine and help gosudartsvennoy to grow the community. But even after the approval of the king of the search for land for the construction of the building (by the way, too, erected on the collected funds) lasted ten years. However, immediately after the opening of the synagogue, the calculated for 1200 people, all the other houses of worship were ordered to shut down, which was a big disappointment for more than a ten-thousandth of the community, and only after 1904 the chapel became open again outside the walls of the synagogue. Currently, in the synagogue there are two schools, kindergartens and boarding schools. Also in its custody are made more than 1,000 low-income families receiving food parcels; acts dating service for Jewish runs a bakery and a restaurant kosher cuisine.
