Alexandrinsky Theatre

Alexandrinsky Theatre Alexandrinsky Theatre – one of the oldest drama theaters in Russia, have survived to our time
first permanent public theater in Russia was established by the decree of Empress Elizvaety Petrovna August 30, 1756, the original name -. “Russian for tragedies and comedies theater representations.” The troupe was headed by Fyodor Volkov, the director of the theater became a playwright AP Sumarokov. From 1759, the theater received the status of a court. At the site of a modern building in 1801 for the Italian wooden theater troupe Kazassi was built. After some time, the company was dissolved and the building was purchased by the treasury, and became known as the Small Theatre. Since 1832, the theater was renamed the Alexandrinsky. The name was given in honor of the wife of Emperor Nicholas I Alexandra Fedorovny.Na throughout the XIX century theater was a leader of the theatrical life of the capital, was born the history of Russian theater kultury.V beginning of the century all the Russian theater was guided by European models in the walls of the theater, gradually narabatyvaya their own, original school. During the pre-revolutionary history was the subject of special attention of the emperors and the directorate of the Imperial Theaters, especially under Nicholas I. This period marked the heyday of vaudeville. construction of the second stage of the theater began in May 2010, it was planned even from the 1980s. May 15, 2013 a new stage was open-performance laboratory “Crime” based on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”.
