
Church of the Three Hierarchs
Church of the Three Hierarchs

This small building is almost imperceptible for one of the oldest cathedrals in our city Andrew. However, built in 1760, it is almost the same age as the aforementioned church. Built in the Petrine Baroque style, it is dedicated to Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. The church was a temporary abode of all believers at the time of the construction of St. Andrew’s Church, here were transferred to the iconostasis, altar and other church items from the personal...

Museum of St. Petersburg bridge

Bridges Museum in St. Petersburg opened in 1992 on the basis of bridge-building unit №19. It functions as a branch of the Central Museum of Railway Transport, more open in 1813. museum exposition is located in six halls. She exhibited unique naturalistic models of road and rail bridges, and city bridges across the Neva and other rivers and canals. In addition to the models, visitors have the opportunity to see the thematic paintings, watercolors, photographs, drawings. Museum is located on...

Republic cats
Republic cats

Republic cats cat named branch of the Museum, and in combination, and his office in the center of St. Petersburg, as the organization was originally only in Vsevolozhsk. However, the institution in the center of St. Petersburg does not repeat the first exhibition of the museum, and is a separate original destination, combines the a number of functions: it is an exhibition space, a club, an art cafe, a library, and just a room with cats. In addition to this Republic has become a certain...

Monument to Peter I
Monument to Peter I

Monument to Peter I in the Peter and Paul Fortress is one of the most memorable king-founder of St. Petersburg. The idea of ​​creating such a monument sculptor Vladimir Vysotskiy- suggested he promoted the mask created yet Rastrelli. Initially, all parts of the body are proportional, but later corrected their author to be more like an icon, like deifying king. The monument was cast in bronze in 1991 and was first met with nastrozhennostyu residents of the city, but now there was a...

Water tower Obukhov factory
Water tower Obukhov factory

Built this industrial monument was in 1898 their second unofficial name -. Pristrelnaya, Water Tower has received for the reason that some time has been used to adjust the sights of artillery pieces, which were produced at the Obukhov factory on the opposite bank of the Neva. The tower has six sides, which taper upwards. Facade Pristrelnoy tower qualitatively plastered and remarkable in that it has a gothic elements in an eclectic style. It is true a small medieval castle among the modern...

Museum of bread
Museum of bread

Museum-the only bread in Russia and around the thirteenth in the world. It was founded in 1988 as a private company, but 5 years later became gosudarstvennym.On reflects the role of this product in human life, evolved after him songs and epics, he dedicated planting and harvest festivals. The current exhibition shows the full path of the origin of bread from prehistoric times to the present day, its production and consumption, especially in St. Petersburg. The different rooms can be seen as...