St. Petersburg Festival of national cuisines

St. Petersburg Festival of national cuisines C 11 to 13 June we will have a very interesting festival, you can taste the unusual and delicious cuisine from around the world. The highlight of the fact that all the food will be presented in one place, and, given the scale of this event, the organizers will prepare something really unusual – and a variety of dishes will surprise any gourmet dishes
Apart from foreign countries, the festival will feature the diversity of the national. Russian cuisine – yes, on the face of skepticism, soup, dumplings, dumplings, what’s interesting? Interest in the fact that in 90% of cases you have not tried a real Russian borscht, or the real Russian dumplings, cooked according to strictly defined recipe. Well, except for borscht in our kitchen there is also a lot of dishes, the existence of which you have not even heard – there is a chance to expand their culinary horizons, good, it will be tasty and useful;) And of course, in addition to the national cuisine – foreign dishes. Cook chief goodies Japan and Korea, and China, as well as major hits sultry Spain, the oldest dishes of Transcaucasia. To the table served Georgian and nourishing chicken kharcho, Indian dhal from legumes and even more refined and exotic dishes. Do not go without tasting and exhibition of national costumes for folk music.
M. Gorky, Peter and Paul Fortress, 3
from 11:00 to 19:00
